Mental Health Awareness Mural Planned

Mental Health Awareness: A Memorial in mural form
‘Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.’
My success is not mine alone, as it is not the work of one but the contribution of the collective.

We’ve been talking about this for a while but we’re finally doing it team!

This year, we’ll be creating a memorial in our home town (Waiuku) to pay reverence to all those who struggle with or have lost their lives due to mental health. 


A perfect space for this mural.

Outside Oha Cafe, on the wall of the Old New World building: We will deliver an important message which is very close to our hearts.

Below is a sketch of our draft concept – a group of rangatahi surrounded by the aroha of their community, who are tending to the garden of their minds with care.

The intention behind this design is that it will be displayed in a public space as a visual reminder for us all to promote kindness, and a pledge that we as a
community will take care of our youth as valued members of our hapori.

Because on young life lost to suicide is one too many.

We have chosen to approach the heavy subject of suicide and mental health from a strengths – based, hope – focused perspective.

The emphasis in our draft is on the steps that can be taken to prevent problems, rather than focusing on the aftermath and grief of suicide.

Above is the draft, it depicts the community gathered around young people of different backgrounds, cultures, ages and abilities. Adults are working together to remove obstacles and nurture them.

Our Hope

For this to be an inclusive, collaborative community project.

To create a memorial for those we have lost to mate whakamomori (suicide).

To serve as a reminder to cherish our rangatahi,
bringing awareness to the rise in mental distress and suicide.

To create a platform for anyone who wishes to safely share their story in the process.

When is the opening day for our mental health mural and what can we expect?

  1. The mural will be started in around October and completed in November
  2. We will have an opening day for it in November that will include key speakers and resources
  3. We will be sharing details about this event closer to the time so that people know when it is happening
  4. There will be an oppurtunity for those who have lost family to suicide to sign their person’s name into the daisy field on the mural. This will be free and optional to those who wish to commemorate them there.

Fundraising Details:
What we have

We have already required majority funding. 

Resene is sponsoring our materials. As is New World and The Manukau Beautification Trust.

We have had a huge donation from the generous Paul Smith. 

We have also had a wall donated by John Dickey and a memorial plaque by SignMax Pukekohe. 

What We Need

We still need funding for the open day and are hoping to raise some money for charity on top of that. 

Any donations will be greatly appreciated. 

What We Will Do With Any Proceeds

Proceeds will go to I Am Hope and My Voice Matters, respectively. 

Donation details below. 

Donations can be made to: Mental Health Mural 02-0308-0028181-008

Donors will be credited on the momorial plaque. Make sure to send me an email at if you wish to be credited by a name other than what is on your bank account. 

Follow our journey on facebook or contact us